Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Olympian Dilemma

Between the rule of Jupiter am I
And Mars, thus knowing not which to go by;
Each god requests devoutly to be praised
By active faithand thus I sway, amazed.

So Zeus, the ordering and mighty Will,
Would have me never more stand static still,
And follow his example: with a form
To shape my world according to my norm.

Ares, relentless in belligerence,
Would bid me arm with stout malevolence
Against the foes and friends, the good and bad,
Reacting at whatever makes me gad.

Of course I'd rather honor mighty Jove
Than follow Mars in his destructive rove;
But who am I to spurn the edicts of a god
Whose spear can prick me with so sharp a prod?

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